NANA BEST is a special compilation album featuring the combined words of Anna Tsuchiya and OLIVIA used in the first season of the NANA.The best album features qall the opening and ending themes plus five tracks that solely appear on the best album, namedly "Stand By Me" was the fifth ED theme for Nana by Anna Tsuchiya, Tsuchiya's cover of the Sex Pistols`s Anarchy in the U.K., a "Studio Live Version" of Tsuchiya's LUCY, a new song from OLIVIA called "Nothing's Gonna Take Me Love" and finally a live recording of the song "Recorded Butterflies" by OLIVIA.This album was released one week before the airing of the final episode of the first season of the Nana anime.

Track listing
2.A Little Pain (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
5.Starless Night (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
9.Shadow of Love (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
10.Winter Sleep (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
11.Anarchy in the U.K. (ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi' NANA (BLACK STONES))
12.LUCY ~Studio Live Version (ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi' NANA (BLACK STONES))
13.Nothing's Gonna Take My Love (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
14.Recorded Butterflies ~Live Version~ (OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST))
Released March 21, 2007
Label Cutting edge (avex)
If you like the album plz buy it here and support the artist.
And as always any feedback is appreciated.
Nana 707 soundtracks is the first soundtrack released for the anime Nana. It is literally a soundtrack containing music heard throughout the series, with the exception of track 44 which is a song.This is the Limited Edition. I also include in the download the second soundtrack called Nana 7to8.

Track listing (Nana 707)
1.Beginning of a Day (一日の始まり Ichi Nichi no Hajimari?)
2.Room Number 707 (707号室 707-gō Shitsu?)
3.Hachi in Love (恋するハチ Koi Suru Hachi?)
4.I Want to be with You! (逢いたいよ Aitai-yo?)
5.Calm Morning (穏やかな朝 Odayakana Asa?)
6.It's a Good Day, You Know! (いい日だね! Ii Hi Da-ne!?)
7.Relax in the Sun (ひなたぼっこ Hinata Hokko?)
8.Lord Hachi? (ハチ公? Hachi-kō??)
9.Mind's a Blank (アタマ真っ白 Atama Masshiro?)
10.Forward, Hachi! (進めハチ! Susume Hachi!?)
11.You'll be Late! (おくれるよー! Okureruyō!?)
12.Speak of the Devil (大魔王様のお出まし Daimaō-sama no Odemashi?)
14.Nana's Past (ナナの過去 Nana no Kako?)
15.Inside a Single Room (一人部屋の中で Hitori-beya no Naka de?)
16.Longingly (切なくて Setsunakute?)
17.The Feeling You're Starting to Like Someone (人を好きになる気持ち Hito o Suki ni Naru Kimochi?)
18.A Memory (思い出 Omoide?)
19.Warm Hand (暖かい手 Attakai Te?)
20.Half Rent!? (家賃が半分!? Yachin ga Hanbun!??)
21.A Seven-Story Brick Building? (レンガ造りの7階建て? Renga-dzukuri no 7-kai-date??)
22.Pursuit!? (追跡!? Tsuiseki!??)
23.Terrifying Sea Monster (恐怖の海坊主 Kyōfu no Umi Bōzu?)
24.Crescent Moon Spotlight (三日月のスポットライト Mikadzuki no Supottoraito?)
25.Black Stone
26.Red Lotus (赤い蓮 Akai Hasu?)
27.Autumn Sky (秋の空 Aki no Sora?)
28.Even If I Get Hurt (傷ついても Kizutuite mo?)
29.Breaking-up with Ren (レンとの別れ Ren to no Wakare?)
30.You Know, Nana (ねえ ナナ Nee Nana?)
31.A Fading Day (暮れてゆく一日 Kurete Yuku Ichi Nichi?)
32.Nana's Home Town (ナナの故郷 Nana no Kokyō?)
33.Solitary Night (独りの夜 Hitori no Yoru?)
34.Sunset (日暮れ Higure?)
35.Shaking Heart (揺れる心 Yureru Kokoro?)
36.Anxiety (不安 Fuan?)
37.Divergence (すれ違い Surechigai?)
38.Suspicion (疑い Utagai?)
39.Shoji's Worry (章司の心配 Shōji no Shinpai?)
40.The Most Important Thing (一番大切なもの Ichiban Taisetsuna Mono?)
41.Don't Go Far Away, Nana (遠くに行かないでナナ Tōku ni Ikanaide Nana?)
42.Cherries Bloom (サクラサク Sakura Saku?)
43.Good Night, Nana (おやすみナナ Oyasumi Nana?)
44.Dirty Pretty / S-L (Spirit Of Brute)
Released 7 July, 2006
NANA Movie Ost
If you like the album plz buy it here and support the artist.
And as always any feedback is appreciated.
NANA Movie Ost
Next is the soundtrack of a 2005 Japanese film adaption of the manga by Ai Yazawa, directed by Kentarô Ôtani. The film was released on September 3, 2005. It stars Mika Nakashima as the punk star Nana Osaki, and Aoi Miyazaki as Hachi (Nana Komatsu).

Track Listing
01. Nana Theme 1
02. Hachi Theme 1
03. Two Nanas 1
04. Hachi Theme 2
05. New Life 1
06. Nana Theme 2
07. Fallin'
08. New Life 2
09. Inevitable,The
10. End,An
11. Nana Theme 3
12. Glamorous Sky (Soundtrack Version)
13. Hachi Theme 3
14. Let It End?
15. White Snow,Dress Red
16. Endless Story (Soundtrack Version)
17. Key,The
18. Two Nanas 2
19. Yearning
Manufacturer: Sony BMG
Release date: 08.06.2006
If you like the album plz buy it here and support the artist.
And as always any feedback is appreciated.
NANA2 movie OST
NANA2 movie OST
The film was followed by a sequel in 2006 and ofcourse the relevant soundtrack.

01. Hitoiro (ALTAnative edit) soundtrack version (Nana starring Mika Nakashima)
02. L'ouverture
03. Corale
04. Old Days
05. Fired March
06. An Affair
07. Little Secret
08. II Valzer Felice
09. Through the Window
10. Sola
11. the Moon
12. Fire Works
13. Fantasia
14. Fervore Freddo
15. Pavana
16. Preludio
17. L'ore
18. the Moon 2
19. La Porta
20. Movimento
21. Finale
22. Truth (NANA2 original soundtrack version) (Reira starring Yuna Ito)
Manufacturer: Sony BMG
Release date: 5.1.2007
Thank you so much for this list. I love Nana, the OST are kind of expensive, but it's worth every penny.
this is an old post, but could you please kindly re-upload these albums? Thank you so much ^^
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